Carnival make-up + two coming soon :D

18:05 G. 0 Comments

Salve bellissime!
Oggi vorrei mostrarvi le foto del mio make up per carnevale (posterò il tutorial se riceverò almeno cinque commenti qui sotto), ed altri due make up che posterò presto ;)

Questo è il mio make up per carnevale.


Queste sono due richeste

La prima

e la seconda

Bye, bye girls! ;D


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Fairytale spring make up

18:18 G. 0 Comments

This is the first of make-up tutorial, for spring. Spring is so full of fresh and light colours... I know, we are not in spring, but the warm sun of the last days inspired me. :)

Start with a primer, and then take a light grey and apply it to lid.

Then choose a shimmering pink and apply in the crease of the eye

then take a matte brown and darken the pink

So take some blue with an eyeliner brush and wet it with some water.

Now you can draw a more precize line around the outer corner of the eye and a little beyond it.

Now take a lighter shimmer blue and trace the outline of the inner corner of the eye.

 (sorry for the quality of the last photoes, but I wrong to save them)

After appply a curving mascara and then, you've done. :)



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Sexy rocker make up + thanks to Bina :)

00:21 G. 0 Comments

Today I'll show you how to make the smokey eyes I showed you some days ago:

Firstly I apply my primer potion, then the black eye pencil and blend it.
I fix and darken this part with a matte black eyeshadow

and so with a shimmering brown 

I go on the black, in the upper part of eyelid, like this

and so I blend a gold over this part, 

And after this I blend it.
So I used a shimmering light gold in the inner corner of the eye and nex to the eyebrow

i draw a line with this colour also in the lower eye lid and blend. 
Mixing the black and the shimmering brown and using an eyeliner brush, 
I draw a line at the end of the lower eyelid.

At the end I have applied false lashes and mascara, and after a white crystal next to the inner corner and a black one next to the end of the eye brow...

This is not an everyday make up, really I did it for carnival, but if you put on less black you can use it for an important night of for a party. So.. enjoy yourself! You've done. ;)

Ps: A special thank tor Bina for giving me this chinese chopstics for hair. 
Thank you so much! ^.^



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Coming soon! :D

21:55 G. 0 Comments

Hello, Coming soon the tutorial of this beautiful make up!
Sexy rocker... ;)


Grazie per la visita, leggere i vostri commenti è sempre un piacere. ♥

Soft pink and bronze make up

21:49 G. 0 Comments

Hi girls!
I've been working hard this afternoon, this is my first tutorial on my blog, I hope you like it! 
This is a quite simple make up but very nice and romantic. 

Let's start!

First I apply the primer. I use the Urban Decay primer potion, but you can use also another brand or a concealer, this step would make your make-up more durable and avoids the eye shadow goes into the folds of the eye. 
(You have to use little of product, if you don't wish the opposite effect!!)

Then choose a light shimmering pink, and apply it to the whole eyelid, with a medium brush.

Now you have to draw like a ''v'' on the outer corner of the eyelid, and then blend it. I'll use a darker pink, like the one in the photo, and a more precise brush.

So let's darken the ''v'' with a line of brown, and then blend again. (I used the brown eyeshadow of the previoius photo)

I draw a line with a brown pencil, just close up to the hairline of the eyelashes, blending a little with a little brush like this (or with the eyeliner brush)

Now let's apply the false lashes. Remember to use a good quality of false lashes glue!

Then you can put your favourite mascara.

The last step of this tutorial is to underline the bottom of the eye, with a bronzed line.

To emphasize this line you can go over it with a bronze eyeshadow, like this one (between the brown and the gold one)

And then, you've done. 



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Welcome everyone!

12:52 G. 3 Comments

Hi! I'm Shee, I'm nineteen and I love make-up.
I'm not a make-up artist but I would like to share my passion and opinions about make-up secrets, tools and products. I'll show you, step by step, how to do a make-up for any occasion, and I'll also give you some advice to cover imperfections or emphasize your qualities. 
I hope you like my blog, bye!


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